Eva's Room!!!!

Posted by Ashley Goode

So these are as of Christmas and we think we are done with the cosmetics of the room. Walls are painted, floorboards are in, decorations are done. She got this adorable caterpillar and pink hippo from her family in Colorado!! Too cute!!! Eva has made out like crazy even though she hasn't even made an appearance yet. Thank you all so much for everything, we really couldn't do it without all of the love and support that we receive each and everyday. There are truly no words to express the gratitude that we feel.

And you may notice all of the angels hanging in her room to watch over her, Nana sent them. They are there to remind us that our Angels, Granny (Eva) and my Mom (Duree), are going to be watching over our little Eva Duree every moment of her life.

The life and death of our snowman....

Posted by Ashley Goode

Some recent pictures of our crew. :)

Posted by Ashley Goode

Oscar found a warm spot in front of a heating vent.

Luna likes to keep our spots warm on the couch

Kya likes to provide warmth while laying on us on the couch.

Tony is perfectly content sharing a spot on the couch.

Scheduling 28-30 week ultrasound

Posted by Ashley Goode

We received a call from the doctor's office and we have to go in between 28 and 30 weeks for a growth ultrasound of our little girl. Apparently they have to keep a closer eye on her because of my diagnosis of chronic hypertension. Sometimes when you have high blood pressure your baby may not grow as well and the doctors just like to watch for any signs. So during our pregnancy we will get to see her a bit more often than usual, which is a plus. Hopefully my blood pressure isn't to the point where it will affect her growth.

24 week appointment

Posted by Ashley Goode

We had our 24 week appointment yesterday and Little Miss Eva is doing great! Her heart rate was 147, all her anatomy looked great on ultrasound, and the quad screen came back negative. She is in the 51st percentile for size so the doctor said she is perfect, not too big and not too small. :) I measured in at 25 cm, which is one cm larger than expected at this point. ( I guess you are supposed to measure in centimeters what you are in weeks.) The doctor said its because I am carrying so high and the position Eva is in and that my weight and everything else is good so not to worry about it.

So life is good, breathing is sometimes difficult, but we are all healthy. Christmas is just around the corner and Shawn's Holiday party is in a few days!! I'm excited because we get to dress up and look pretty for a night. I even got a new dress for the occasion since somehow I seemed to have outgrown all of my others. :P  We hope that everyone is happy and healthy this holiday season!! Lots of love!

23 week belly pic

Posted by Ashley Goode

Here is a look at the growth of our little girl and my disappearing waistline. :) Happy Saturday!!!!

Love from the Goode Fur Kids. :)

Posted by Ashley Goode

Here are a few pictures of Luna, Kya, Oscar, and Tony. They are all in the holiday spirit and have already had some of their Christmas presents!! I guess Santa comes early in our house.


Happy Holidays!!!

Posted by Ashley Goode

Just a couple of pictures to start celebrating the holidays!!! We hope everyone is having a wonderful time. :)

Too funny and we have a baby registry.

Posted by Ashley Goode

This morning I was lying in bed and our kitty, Oscar, decided that my belly was a great place to take a nap. Well before too long I started to feel Eva moving around a lot. Before I knew it she kicked the cat right off of my belly!!! It was the strongest kick I have felt by her so far and Oscar looked at me like I had done it. I guess she likes her space!!! All I could do was laugh because she totally offended him. :)

I know a bunch of people have been asking if we have a baby registry and we do now!! We registered on Amazon.com under Shawn or Ashley Goode. Here is the link for you:

I hope that everyone is doing well and enjoying the Holiday Season so far!! I know I have personally been loving all of the fun music that has been playing. Happy Turkey Day and love to all!!!!

Introducing our little girl!!!!!!!

Posted by Ashley Goode

On Tuesday, November 17th, 2009 we found out that our little Baby Goode is a little girl!!!! Shawn and I couldn't be happier and the realization that we are going to have a daughter is just amazing. I can honestly say that yesterday was one of the happiest days of our lives and we were both just in awe. Shawn told me I was drunk with happiness and I honestly was, and still am. We went over to Babies R Us and bought her a couple of little outfits, bedding, and the stroller. They were having an amazing sale and we made out like bandits, or should I say our daughter made out like crazy!!! Her bedding is super cute with lots of girly colors and cute lil bugs. Wow!!! I have a permanent smile on and I don't think its going away any time soon. So here are the pictures from yesterday!!!

p.s. Her heart rate was 134 and they said she weighs in at a whopping 12 ounces right now. :)

Introducing Eva Duree Goode. :)

Proof that she is a girl

Her little foot

Her Profile

30th Birthday

Posted by Ashley Goode

Well November 1st was the big 30 for me. I woke up feeling pretty down but Shawn made it a wonderful day! We went to a movie and out to dinner and I was able to talk to everyone I love throughout the day which always makes for a happy day. Baby Goode has been moving around a lot and decided to let me know he/she was there through the whole movie. What an amazing feeling!! Here are a couple of pictures from my birthday and a couple of what a typical Sunday morning looks like at our house. :) Hope everyone is doing well and Happy November!!!


Posted by Ashley Goode

We hope everyone had a great Halloween!!! We went out to the corn maze in Bruneau the day before and got ourselves pretty lost. It took us about an hour to finally find our way out of the crazy thing. :) Halloween was good but somewhat disappointing, we only had 6 trick or treaters the entire night, which left us with more than enough candy to last the next 5 years!!! We're going to try and pawn it off on our neighbor kids over the next few days. :P Besides that nothing exciting or super fantastic going on. Here are a few pictures from the corn maze.

Happy Halloween!!!!

Posted by Ashley Goode

Well, it's almost Halloween and we carved our pumpkins today!! We plan on going to the corn maze tomorrow as long as the weather permits. (fingers crossed) Shawn is on leave until November 9th and we are planning on taking a little trip for my birthday as long as our crib gets here on time. Which leads me to Dad's visit. :)

We had a wonderful time with my Dad last weekend!!!! We went golfing on Friday and I had a good time just driving the cart around and Dad played a very good game. Then we went to Shawn's workplace to check out the planes, which was very cool. We drove up to Boise on Saturday and Dad bought Baby Goode a beautiful crib!!!! They didn't have it in stock so we are waiting for it to be delivered here hopefully early next week. We are so excited to start putting the room together! Sunday we went to the dog park and CJ Strike Dam and that pretty much just took up the morning, so then we came home and the guys watched football. It was so nice having Dad around and this visit really made me wish we lived closer. Hopefully when Baby Goode gets here we will be able to visit more often.

I don't have a current belly pic but I will have Shawn take one some time this weekend. In the meantime here is a picture of my Dad and the pumpkins we carved this morning. I hope everyone has a safe and warm Halloween!!!!!

Day at the Dog Park

Posted by Ashley Goode

We took the pups to the dog park on base today. They had a great time running around and acting like a bunch of crazies!! :) The weather is nice and cool which lets them play longer since they don't overheat so quickly. I had to include a picture of the Snuggly Scar so he wouldn't feel left out.

16 week appointment with Bronchitis

Posted by Ashley Goode

Our 16 week appointment was today and nothing too eventful went on. Checked my weight and blood pressure(which was normal) and then listened to Baby Goode. Doc said that Baby Goode sounded good even though we didn't get to hear much because of the squirming around. Blood was drawn for the quad screen which checks for signs of Downs Syndrome and neural tube defects. Our next appointment will be down in radiology at 20 weeks for the ultrasound!!!! Hopefully Baby Goode will be cooperative and show us what we are looking for so we can start saying he or she. Shawn has called the baby he from the get go so maybe he already has it right. :) Shawn and I have both been pretty sick and my poor husband tried so hard to not get me sick. We have hand sanitizer, lysol, and anti bacterial wipes in every room right now. He even slept in another room to try and not get me sick!! He is the sweetest but I still ended up in Urgent Care Monday night with Bronchitis. Woo Hoo, fun.

On a different note, my dad is coming for a visit in a week! We are pretty excited that he is coming and hopefully he enjoys his visit to Mountain Home, Idaho!!!

We hope that everyone is staying healthy with all this nastiness going around. Love to all!!


Posted by Ashley Goode

So, my Dad called yesterday and is planning to come and visit at the end of the month!!! He will be the first person from my family to actually come in from out of town to visit us here in Mountain Home. :) I'm trying to think of things to do while he is here and I figure one day we can take him out to the flight line to see the F-15's. After that I am not sure. Hopefully he doesn't get too bored here in Mountain Home since he is used to having lots to do at home.

Besides that not much new over here. Summer seems to have gone straight into Winter and the mountains actually got snow over the weekend. It has been raining here for the last 3 days and the temp. has not reached much over 40 degrees. Hope everyone is doing well and has a great week!!

13 Week Picture

Posted by Ashley Goode

Hooray!!!! We are beginning our second trimester and hopefully it is super fantastic like everyone says it will be. :) Our 16 week appointment is on October 14th and maybe the doc can take a peek and see if Baby Goode is a girl or a boy. If not we'll have to wait until the 20 week mark. I am so bad at waiting!!!!

12 Week Appointment

Posted by Ashley Goode

Well, our 12 week appointment seemed to go well for the most part. Baby Goode is measuring right where he/she should be. We heard the heartbeat for the first time and it was amazing but we could only hear a bit at a time due to all of the wiggling. :) This little kiddo sure likes to move around a lot, I can't wait until I can feel it all myself! Our doctor also gave us some news about when Baby Goode is going to be here. Apparently I am being categorized as a chronic hypertensive which makes it a high risk pregnancy. Apparently IVF also puts you in that category, which I really didn't know. So the plan is to induce before I ever get to 40 weeks. It all scares me but now we know for sure that Shawn will be here for the birth. I just hope that everything goes well for the duration of the pregnancy. I am starting to show a bit now and it is very exciting and kind of difficult all at the same time. I love that our baby is growing and becoming so real, but it is not easy to say goodbye to my jeans. :P

I hope this week goes well for everyone and we'll talk to you soon!!!

Spoke too soon and some good news!!

Posted by Ashley Goode

Week 11 is now complete and week 12 is now beginning and the rumbling belly feels like its in overdrive. I felt really great for a couple of days and it has been downhill since then. Hopefully all the rumors I hear about the 2nd trimester being great are true. Feeling like a tired slug just isn't my cup of tea. :) We have our first appointment on base this week and I am hoping that we love our doctor!! Fingers crossed since we'll be with him for a bit.

On another subject, Shawn put in for an extension for his leaving in March and it is now April!!! Our due date is April 5th and his appear no later date is now the 10th, so hopefully we will have a baby before then. We'll have to start questioning our doc about inducing now so maybe they will by then if Baby Goode isn't here. It sure would be nice to have Shawn here for the birth. :)

Did I mention we're having one bundle of joy?

Posted by Ashley Goode

Here is the most recent ultrasound of Baby Goode. Shawn was over the moon when he saw our baby on the screen. (He wasn't able to go to the first u/s) It was amazing to see how much he/she has grown and to see the heart beating so fast. To top it all off Baby Goode decided to wiggle around and put on a little show.

Week 10 Day 3

Posted by Ashley Goode

Finally starting to feel better after all of the "morning" sickness that has been abundant this first trimester. :P I can't believe that we'll be into our second trimester at the end of this month, time sure seems to fly by. Not a lot going on right now, just waiting for the base hospital to get back to me to set up our first appointment there. Ha ha, we'll see how long that takes!!! I wish I could have stayed with my reproductive doc, they are the best at that office.

I am completely new at this whole blogging thing but I always enjoy my friends' blogs so why not! I hope that the last days of summer are finding everyone happy and healthy. Its time for all the fun holidays to begin!! WooHoo Halloween!!!!!

Here is a pic of my expanding waistline. Not looking pregnant yet, just looks like I have a pot belly.

We're Pregnant!!!!

Posted by Ashley Goode

On Sunday, July 26th we found out that we are expecting. What a a wonderful shock to hear that after all my crying and worrying we were actually pregnant! My nurse practitioner Linda, who is wonderful, informed me that the severe cramping is just my body stretching and preparing for our little bundle (or bundles ) of joy to grow. Who knew that cramps could be such a wonderful thing.
So now I am experiencing the amazing world of changing hormones. Smells are stronger, parts of my body have increased in size :) , and the constant burping will not stop. Who knew!! I have learned that the countdown to a 40 week pregnancy begins before you are even pregnant and am pleased to be able to say that we are further along than I expected to be at this point. I know that this pregnancy will probably bring many ups and downs and so much unexpected knowledge on the subject but my husband and I are so ready for it all. We can't wait for the end result when we are holding our little one(s) in our arms.

Where we began

Posted by Ashley Goode

Well, we started doctor's appointments for infertility back in December 2008. Lots of tests later we were finally referred to the Idaho Center for Reproduction in March 2009. After speaking with our doctor we decided that IVF was the best choice for us to become pregnant and we were scheduled for the July 2009 cycle. There was so much preparation beforehand, more tests, injections, pills, and everyday appointments. We put a lot of miles on the cars driving back and forth to Boise everyday!!
The beginning of our actual "cycle" began with one daily injection and eventually graduated to three. My stomach looked like a black and blue punching bag when it was all said and done. I ended up with over 60 follicles that grew between my two ovaries and felt like I was carrying bowling balls in my lower abdominal area. When it came time for the egg retrieval 22 eggs were harvested, of those 16 fertilized, and of those 10 matured as they were supposed to. So on July 16, 2009 two of the little guys were transferred and the longest wait ever began.
We had to wait for our first blood test on July 24th and the next on the 26th. I was convinced that we were not pregnant because I had such severe cramping. I cried for 3 days straight because I just knew that my period was on its way and we would have to try the IVF process again.