Our latest news from the doctor

Posted by Ashley Goode

Well, we had our 28 week appointment and all is looking well. Our tests for gestational diabetes and anemia were negative and everything else is going along well. She measured in at 28cm at 28 weeks, which is right on track, her heart rate was 145 bpm, and I am putting on weight just as I should be. The doctor said that we are definitely going to be induced at 39 weeks and that will put us at March 30th. So hopefully Shawn will have a good week with Eva before he has to leave to Korea. The doc told us that we will begin antenatal testing at 32 weeks, twice a week, until she is born to keep a close eye on her due to my chronic hypertension and her being conceived via IVF. Both of those put us in the high risk pregnancy category and hopefully that just means they will keep a close eye on her until she gets here and there will be zero complications. I do believe that is all the news we have for now!! 10 more weeks until the big day!!! Wow!

Happy New Year!!

Posted by Ashley Goode

Well here is my 28 week picture and yes I am still growing!! Little Eva is over 2 pounds now and utilizing all of my energy for herself it seems. We have 12 weeks to go until our due date but probably less until she gets here since they plan on inducing early. Time has flown by and in some ways I hope it continues to do so but as far as Shawn leaving I wish time would just stop. He is leaving in about 12 weeks and will be gone for a year with one 30 day break at 6 months. Its going to be hard without him here and I know its going to be especially difficult for him since he won't be here for the first year of our daughter's life. Thus is the life of a military family!!!!