13 Week Picture

Posted by Ashley Goode

Hooray!!!! We are beginning our second trimester and hopefully it is super fantastic like everyone says it will be. :) Our 16 week appointment is on October 14th and maybe the doc can take a peek and see if Baby Goode is a girl or a boy. If not we'll have to wait until the 20 week mark. I am so bad at waiting!!!!

12 Week Appointment

Posted by Ashley Goode

Well, our 12 week appointment seemed to go well for the most part. Baby Goode is measuring right where he/she should be. We heard the heartbeat for the first time and it was amazing but we could only hear a bit at a time due to all of the wiggling. :) This little kiddo sure likes to move around a lot, I can't wait until I can feel it all myself! Our doctor also gave us some news about when Baby Goode is going to be here. Apparently I am being categorized as a chronic hypertensive which makes it a high risk pregnancy. Apparently IVF also puts you in that category, which I really didn't know. So the plan is to induce before I ever get to 40 weeks. It all scares me but now we know for sure that Shawn will be here for the birth. I just hope that everything goes well for the duration of the pregnancy. I am starting to show a bit now and it is very exciting and kind of difficult all at the same time. I love that our baby is growing and becoming so real, but it is not easy to say goodbye to my jeans. :P

I hope this week goes well for everyone and we'll talk to you soon!!!

Spoke too soon and some good news!!

Posted by Ashley Goode

Week 11 is now complete and week 12 is now beginning and the rumbling belly feels like its in overdrive. I felt really great for a couple of days and it has been downhill since then. Hopefully all the rumors I hear about the 2nd trimester being great are true. Feeling like a tired slug just isn't my cup of tea. :) We have our first appointment on base this week and I am hoping that we love our doctor!! Fingers crossed since we'll be with him for a bit.

On another subject, Shawn put in for an extension for his leaving in March and it is now April!!! Our due date is April 5th and his appear no later date is now the 10th, so hopefully we will have a baby before then. We'll have to start questioning our doc about inducing now so maybe they will by then if Baby Goode isn't here. It sure would be nice to have Shawn here for the birth. :)

Did I mention we're having one bundle of joy?

Posted by Ashley Goode

Here is the most recent ultrasound of Baby Goode. Shawn was over the moon when he saw our baby on the screen. (He wasn't able to go to the first u/s) It was amazing to see how much he/she has grown and to see the heart beating so fast. To top it all off Baby Goode decided to wiggle around and put on a little show.

Week 10 Day 3

Posted by Ashley Goode

Finally starting to feel better after all of the "morning" sickness that has been abundant this first trimester. :P I can't believe that we'll be into our second trimester at the end of this month, time sure seems to fly by. Not a lot going on right now, just waiting for the base hospital to get back to me to set up our first appointment there. Ha ha, we'll see how long that takes!!! I wish I could have stayed with my reproductive doc, they are the best at that office.

I am completely new at this whole blogging thing but I always enjoy my friends' blogs so why not! I hope that the last days of summer are finding everyone happy and healthy. Its time for all the fun holidays to begin!! WooHoo Halloween!!!!!

Here is a pic of my expanding waistline. Not looking pregnant yet, just looks like I have a pot belly.