Happy Holidays!!!

Posted by Ashley Goode

Just a couple of pictures to start celebrating the holidays!!! We hope everyone is having a wonderful time. :)

Too funny and we have a baby registry.

Posted by Ashley Goode

This morning I was lying in bed and our kitty, Oscar, decided that my belly was a great place to take a nap. Well before too long I started to feel Eva moving around a lot. Before I knew it she kicked the cat right off of my belly!!! It was the strongest kick I have felt by her so far and Oscar looked at me like I had done it. I guess she likes her space!!! All I could do was laugh because she totally offended him. :)

I know a bunch of people have been asking if we have a baby registry and we do now!! We registered on Amazon.com under Shawn or Ashley Goode. Here is the link for you:

I hope that everyone is doing well and enjoying the Holiday Season so far!! I know I have personally been loving all of the fun music that has been playing. Happy Turkey Day and love to all!!!!

Introducing our little girl!!!!!!!

Posted by Ashley Goode

On Tuesday, November 17th, 2009 we found out that our little Baby Goode is a little girl!!!! Shawn and I couldn't be happier and the realization that we are going to have a daughter is just amazing. I can honestly say that yesterday was one of the happiest days of our lives and we were both just in awe. Shawn told me I was drunk with happiness and I honestly was, and still am. We went over to Babies R Us and bought her a couple of little outfits, bedding, and the stroller. They were having an amazing sale and we made out like bandits, or should I say our daughter made out like crazy!!! Her bedding is super cute with lots of girly colors and cute lil bugs. Wow!!! I have a permanent smile on and I don't think its going away any time soon. So here are the pictures from yesterday!!!

p.s. Her heart rate was 134 and they said she weighs in at a whopping 12 ounces right now. :)

Introducing Eva Duree Goode. :)

Proof that she is a girl

Her little foot

Her Profile

30th Birthday

Posted by Ashley Goode

Well November 1st was the big 30 for me. I woke up feeling pretty down but Shawn made it a wonderful day! We went to a movie and out to dinner and I was able to talk to everyone I love throughout the day which always makes for a happy day. Baby Goode has been moving around a lot and decided to let me know he/she was there through the whole movie. What an amazing feeling!! Here are a couple of pictures from my birthday and a couple of what a typical Sunday morning looks like at our house. :) Hope everyone is doing well and Happy November!!!


Posted by Ashley Goode

We hope everyone had a great Halloween!!! We went out to the corn maze in Bruneau the day before and got ourselves pretty lost. It took us about an hour to finally find our way out of the crazy thing. :) Halloween was good but somewhat disappointing, we only had 6 trick or treaters the entire night, which left us with more than enough candy to last the next 5 years!!! We're going to try and pawn it off on our neighbor kids over the next few days. :P Besides that nothing exciting or super fantastic going on. Here are a few pictures from the corn maze.