Happy Halloween!!!!

Posted by Ashley Goode

Well, it's almost Halloween and we carved our pumpkins today!! We plan on going to the corn maze tomorrow as long as the weather permits. (fingers crossed) Shawn is on leave until November 9th and we are planning on taking a little trip for my birthday as long as our crib gets here on time. Which leads me to Dad's visit. :)

We had a wonderful time with my Dad last weekend!!!! We went golfing on Friday and I had a good time just driving the cart around and Dad played a very good game. Then we went to Shawn's workplace to check out the planes, which was very cool. We drove up to Boise on Saturday and Dad bought Baby Goode a beautiful crib!!!! They didn't have it in stock so we are waiting for it to be delivered here hopefully early next week. We are so excited to start putting the room together! Sunday we went to the dog park and CJ Strike Dam and that pretty much just took up the morning, so then we came home and the guys watched football. It was so nice having Dad around and this visit really made me wish we lived closer. Hopefully when Baby Goode gets here we will be able to visit more often.

I don't have a current belly pic but I will have Shawn take one some time this weekend. In the meantime here is a picture of my Dad and the pumpkins we carved this morning. I hope everyone has a safe and warm Halloween!!!!!

Day at the Dog Park

Posted by Ashley Goode

We took the pups to the dog park on base today. They had a great time running around and acting like a bunch of crazies!! :) The weather is nice and cool which lets them play longer since they don't overheat so quickly. I had to include a picture of the Snuggly Scar so he wouldn't feel left out.

16 week appointment with Bronchitis

Posted by Ashley Goode

Our 16 week appointment was today and nothing too eventful went on. Checked my weight and blood pressure(which was normal) and then listened to Baby Goode. Doc said that Baby Goode sounded good even though we didn't get to hear much because of the squirming around. Blood was drawn for the quad screen which checks for signs of Downs Syndrome and neural tube defects. Our next appointment will be down in radiology at 20 weeks for the ultrasound!!!! Hopefully Baby Goode will be cooperative and show us what we are looking for so we can start saying he or she. Shawn has called the baby he from the get go so maybe he already has it right. :) Shawn and I have both been pretty sick and my poor husband tried so hard to not get me sick. We have hand sanitizer, lysol, and anti bacterial wipes in every room right now. He even slept in another room to try and not get me sick!! He is the sweetest but I still ended up in Urgent Care Monday night with Bronchitis. Woo Hoo, fun.

On a different note, my dad is coming for a visit in a week! We are pretty excited that he is coming and hopefully he enjoys his visit to Mountain Home, Idaho!!!

We hope that everyone is staying healthy with all this nastiness going around. Love to all!!


Posted by Ashley Goode

So, my Dad called yesterday and is planning to come and visit at the end of the month!!! He will be the first person from my family to actually come in from out of town to visit us here in Mountain Home. :) I'm trying to think of things to do while he is here and I figure one day we can take him out to the flight line to see the F-15's. After that I am not sure. Hopefully he doesn't get too bored here in Mountain Home since he is used to having lots to do at home.

Besides that not much new over here. Summer seems to have gone straight into Winter and the mountains actually got snow over the weekend. It has been raining here for the last 3 days and the temp. has not reached much over 40 degrees. Hope everyone is doing well and has a great week!!