An overwhelming 35 week appointment

Posted by Ashley Goode

Well, we had our 35 week appointment this morning and first thing the doc says was, "You're doing so well that we don't feel you need to be induced." At that point the panic spiral started and the tears began to well up in my eyes. All I could think was Shawn isn't going to see Eva before he leaves and I couldn't hide the look of defeat on my face. So I explained, as calmly as I could, the situation Shawn and I are in right now and let Dr. Pittard know that April 7th is when Shawn is leaving for a year. So Dr. Pittard explained all of the cons of an early induction and agreed to still do it on March 31st. Phew!!! Crisis averted, and then more news that scared me....
Apparently Little Eva has dropped from the 51st percentile to the 29th, and although doc says that is ok in his book it still bothers me. I have measured in at 34cm my last two appointments and I guess it makes me feel like I am failing in some way or another. Eva's heart rate was good and everything else is moving right along. We begin  weekly appointments from this week on and begin the antenatal testing with our next appointment until induction day. Apparently the testing is twice a week and that includes going to the FCU for the testing and then seeing the doc afterward in the women's clinic. We have lots and lots of appointments these next couple of weeks.

Shawn's last day of work is tomorrow and then next week we have at least one, if not multiple, appointments everyday. He is having to out-process the base and we are having to get things like legal documents and doggy vaccines out of the way before he leaves. TMO is coming in two weeks to come and pick up the things he will be taking with him for his year-long stay in Korea.

There are just too many life changing events happening all at the same time and we are both beginning to feel the pressure of it all. Less than 4 weeks until the birth of our daughter and less than 5 weeks until the love of my life is gone for longer than I even care to think about.

Sorry about the blog update with the blues. I hope everyone is doing well and ready to welcome Spring!!


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